New PMCPA social media guidance

The PMCPA has released new social media guidance for the pharmaceutical industry.

Although it can feel daunting for pharma companies to use social media at all, there are still many ways to increase your online presence while remaining Code compliant.
What can pharma companies do on social media?

Disease awareness

Educate the public about a disease or encourage potential patients to seek non-specific treatment

Direct readers to clearly signposted non-promotional materials containing more information

Meeting advertisements

Non-promotional posts with no product names, even if the meeting itself is promotional

Specify that the meeting is for UK HCPs only, who must self-validate before proceeding

Corporate announcements

Including partnerships, awards, and employee recognition

Linking to pipeline announcements on a corporate website, clearly signposted for the intended audience

In all instances, avoid referring to products or study names, directly or indirectly

Get in touch for a friendly discussion about the new opportunities available with social media.

This is not an exhaustive list and this information does not constitute advice; please refer to the PMCPA guidance and ABPI Code of Practice.

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